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Do you easily get limp during or right after intercourse?

Well, your daily habits have got a lot to do with this issue.

Some habits can lead to low libido and low desire to engage in intercourse, thus lowering the passion level in your relationship.

It is imperative for you to identify these habits, and rectify them at the earliest to save your relationship from drowning into dullness and dissatisfaction from either partner.

The following are some of the things that might make you limp:

a.   Not nurturing your libido sufficiently:

Have you been noticing a considerable fall in your sex drive of late?

It can be attributed to low libido, which in turn is often the outcome of poor dietary choices.

Make sure you add ample aphrodisiacs in your diet such as, oysters, dark chocolates, bananas, strawberries, yoghurt, etc. which are rich in zinc, magnesium and other minerals which help in raising one’s sex drive.

b.  Engaging in masturbation excessively:

Too much of self-stimulation in a day can bring about fatigue and other health problems.

It is not advisable to indulge in masturbation more than twice or thrice in a day; otherwise, over-masturbation can lead to a limp or flaccid penis during intercourse and also reduced sexual drive.

 c.   Increase in insulin levels:

If you consume too much sugar during the day, it can result in spiked insulin (blood

sugar levels) in your body. 

Consequently, you will feel more lethargic.

Recent studies and researches have also brought to light that in men, insulin raises the level of ‘oestrogen’, leading to low libido and in more severe cases, erectile dysfunction.

In this regard, it is essential to know in detail about erectile dysfunction. 

To put it in simple terms, erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and maintain

an erection firm enough for intercourse.

Having troubles with erection once in a while is hardly alarming; however, if you have been facing issues in this regard consistently, make sure you discuss it with a medical practitioner, without treating it as a taboo or a cause of embarrassment.

Erectile dysfunction can affect your self-confidence and lead to relationship problems: Common physical causes include heart disease, clogged blood vessels, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, and so on.

It is also interesting to note that the brain plays an instrumental role in triggering the series of events that cause an erection, which begins with feelings of sexual arousal. 

Psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues can interfere heavily with sexual feelings, leading to erectile dysfunction.

After all, one needs to remember that sexual arousal is a complex process involving the brain, muscles and blood vessels.

Other risk factors that can contribute to erectile dysfunction include, medical conditions (particularly diabetes or heart conditions), tobacco use, being overweight, drug and alcohol use, injuries, medications (such as antidepressants,

antihistamines, etc.), and so on.

Another issue commonly faced by men which can wreak havoc in your sex life is- premature ejaculation, which is, when the man ejaculates faster than he or his partner would like, during sex.

It is often a problem with men who experience erectile dysfunction. Since an erection goes away after ejaculation, it often becomes difficult to

identify whether the problem is premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

Medical experts believe that the latter should be treated first. Premature ejaculation may go away by itself once erectile dysfunction is cured.

D. Stress:

If you experience stress beyond a particular extent, it might leave you limp as your sexual performance is also linked to your psychological wellness.

Under such circumstances, sex hardly acts as a stress-reliever, and rather, on the other hand, feels more like a liability.

This, in turn, causes issues related to erection, or you may not be able to achieve an orgasm.

If you are facing something similar, do consult a doctor and discuss your concerns freely instead of treating this as a hush-hush matter.

After all, sexual wellness is part and parcel of our overall well-being, and it should not be neglected at any cost.


Sex and alcohol go hand in hand.

Things get smoother and better once you are high, especially sex.

The world knows well about the beneficial effects of alcohol on your sex life.

But most of us know only that; not even a single thing beyond it.

Let us see today how ruinous alcohol to your sex life is.

– Side effects such as Erectile Dysfunction

That’s right! I’m talking about side-effects of heavy boozing that you won’t notice for a long time.

You may enjoy that whiskey and even great intercourse after that, but if you keep boozing heavily at a stretch, you can bet on it that the great sex won’t last.

Consuming alcohol over an extended period can result in conditions like ‘brewers droop’; in other words, ‘erectile dysfunction.’ 

And if you keep drinking on, brewers droop is sure to escalate into full-blown barrenness.

When it comes to women, it is a fact that heavy drinking women are unable to conceive.

And even if they are capable of it, they take a longer time to do so than a non-drinking woman.

– You will lose your partner/beloved.

Alcohol is usually devoured to forget the likes of reality.

Boozing causes things to slow down and ease out for you; hence awarding you a stopgap from the apprehensions of life.

This results in you being unaware, rather careless, about the feelings of your partner.

What your partner wants from you is of no concern to you while high.

Not even the feeling of wanting good sex.

And only due to your adverse habit of over-boozing, there can be distances between you and your partner.

This problem can even elevate further.

As your partner will fail to get enough attention from you, neither in life nor in bed, the chances are that your partner may seek the solace in someone else.

That’s right. If you booze heavily and don’t give the much-deserved attention or love to your partner, there is a high likelihood of your partner indulging in adultery.

– it plays with your mind

Your mind may love the genial effects that alcohol may have upon it, but the dangers can be your worst nightmares.

When you are all boozed up, all alone, you are in grave danger.

Boozing accelerates the feeling to have sex.

And when you are all fired up, you will be ready to get it on with anyone, anywhere. (of course, sub-consciously).

If you are not with your friend or a partner who can take care of you while you are heavily drunk, you may end up having unprotected sex with a stranger.

And sex with a stranger is not half bad.

You may have enjoyed the sex, but it can assign unrepairable damage to your relationship with your consort.

Moreover, there are high possibilities that unprotected sex with a stranger may lead to a host of STDs.

– Saying things, you shouldn’t be saying.

Not only in the movies do we see a guy trying to call his ex-wife and tell her how badly she is missed.

It can happen to you too!

Boozing takes a direct hit on the part of our brain called the ‘prefrontal cortex’ which makes you think you need to be close to someone.

It can be anyone.

It can be someone you have been close before or someone from the present; but most of the times, it is the lost love.

And when the alcohol governs your feeling of being close, you might speak something you shouldn’t.

Alcohol can even administer you to reveal confidential things when you are out with your business colleague.


Sexual dysfunctions have been a taboo for every person who has had sexual encounters.

It is difficult for people to commit and to accept it.

Yet, sexual dysfunction cannot be avoided.

People of all age, of course, ones who have reached the maturity to engage in sexual encounters will hit a phase in their lives wherein either they have reached a saturation point to engage in sexual activities or will face some kind of inability to arouse themselves when participating in one.

In either case, it is essential to seek for help.

Self-diagnosed treatments to “cure” sexual dysfunctions might not be helpful in the long run, and hence it is advisable to seek professional help and remove any problem that might hinder the experience.

It has been established that 43% of women face sexual dysfunction and there are several reasons behind such a problem. But, nothing is incurable through medical procedures.

Here is a list of issues women might face during sexual interactions:

  • Matters related to orgasms:

 Most women have problems related to orgasm.

 Orgasm is essential when it comes to intercourse for a woman, although there are women who would like to believe otherwise and that depends on one’s perspective.

Sexual problems might arise when one is unable to have orgasms, even after the right stimulation and arousal.

There can be two situations:

  1. The first one is when an inexperienced woman is trying to engage in sexual relationships, they can find it challenging to have an orgasm.

This can be caused due to lack of experience or the underlying fear and anticipation involved while having sex.

This is not severe, and one can attain orgasm with time.

  1. The second type is when one has had orgasms but fails to reach orgasm even after being aroused to the right proportion.

 This can be due to several factors:

  • Previous experience which might not be pleasant;
  • Preoccupied mind;
  • Mood swings;
  • Not the kind of effective stimulation that is required for one to reach orgasm.
  • Issues with arousal:

To be aroused during sex is a prerequisite to have a good time.

 Sex cannot be mechanical and involves emotions which might require for one to invest their time and essence in the act of having sex.

There can be women who might find it challenging to gain arousal, and that is a problem that can affect one’s sexual health.

Lack of desire can occur for the following:

a. Drug use or alcoholism;

b. Trauma-related to previous experiences;

c. Depression or specific mental condition which is not permitting mental stability;

d. Hormonal disorders;

e. Medications that might affect mental stability;

f.  Relationship issues;

g. Mood swings;

  • Pain during sex: 

Vaginal spasms can cause immense pain during sex.

 Muscle spasms around the vaginal area are known as Vaginismus, which can be caused due to childbirth or episiotomy.

 It can also stem from various other mental reasons which include the fear of getting pregnant, infection/pain or medical conditions and even issues like relationship problems can cause the muscles around the vagina to spasm.

  • Menopause might also be a cause:

 Due to the drop in oestrogen level and the fact that the vagina can dry up, sex can be painful post menopause.

The drop in oestrogen level can also cause the fall in the arousal for a woman.

If one is facing any such condition, it is imperative that they seek medical attention.

Sexual problems cannot be treated with home remedies, because this kind of treatments will only provide immediate solution and allow such problem re-occur.

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